Laurie Horvath
Vancouver, BC
Traveling is my favourite hobby. Exploring new countries, trying exotic food, making new friends, it's all part of the travel experience. There are no two countries alike, no cultures not worth learning about, and no price tag on creating life long memories. Travel is always worth it.
My passion for travel started back in my early 20's, when I worked for an airline, in their corporate accounting department. As a perk, we were able to fly standby, anywhere they flew, and I took full advantage! I got bit by the travel bug, and realized quickly that I wanted to see the whole world.
In 2007, Mason Horvath Travel was born, and I turned my favourite hobby into my career. My two daughters, Olivia and Alex, have been lucky enough to come along for the ride. They've not only been able to see the world, but also learn how a business grows and evolves. They're all grown up now and getting ready to go on their own paths, but I do hope that the travel bug has left an imprint on their lives, and that they continue to explore, experience and learn about our amazing world.